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POE Synthetic refrigeration lubricant recommendation


Tailor-made for R22 helical-lobe compressor

POE Synthetic refrigeration lubricant

CP-4214 series is the tailor-made POE synthetic refrigeration lubricant for R22 helical-lobe compressor with various viscosity-leveled products. A high working viscosity can produce a perfect leakproofness between rotors and can provide a better lubrication between bearings & sealing elements. It also has a perfect solubility under low tempreture & ensures a better oil return & sensible heat exchange efficiency of Oil-bath type evaporators. Its low volatility can produce a better Oil and gas separation. It is the standard type for compressor manufacturers worldwide which strictly meets the needs of standard requirements for R22 helical-lobe compressor manufactures. It is mainly adopted and welcomed by R22 helical-lobe compressor manufactures worldwide.