- 舒泊润 Superlube
- Momentive氮化硼粉末
- Momentive氮化硼涂料
- 食品级硅脂
- 食品级轴承油
- 食品级真空泵油
- 食品级链条油
- 冷冻油
- 食品级冷冻油
- 螺杆式空压机油
- 丙烷冷冻油
- 美国BVA冷冻油
- 烷基苯冷冻油
- BVA空压机油
- BVA碳氢气体压缩机油
- BVA 烷基苯冷冻油
- BVA二氧化碳冷冻油
- 氨冷冻油
- BVA食品级齿轮油
- BVA食品级液压油
- R1234yf冷冻油
- 水溶性高温链条油
- R32冷冻油
- 高温链条油
- 氮化硼高温链条油
- 碳氢气体压缩机油
- 高温油膏
- 食品级硅油
- 食品级压缩机油
- 食品级齿轮油
- 食品级液压油
- 食品级白油
- 食品级润滑脂
- 食品级润滑油
- 合成齿轮油
- 食品级导热油
- 空压机油
- 食品级空压机油
- 合成空压机油
- 定制空压机油
- 活塞式空压机油
- 矿物型空压机油
- 食品级螺杆空压机油
- 食品级活塞空压机油
- 食品级合成空压机油
- UCON 基础油
- 食品级凡士林
- 轴承油
- 混合气体制冷剂压缩机冷冻油
- 真空泵油
- 亚群与陶氏对等表
- 涂层保护液

ArChine Foodtech WO 46
产品简介:USDA/NSF H-1 Approved
HALAL Approved
Extremely low pour point
Water white appearance
Conforms to FDA regulations
ArChine Foodtech WO 46
Food Grade White Oil
NSF Registration No. 145230 Place of Origin: America
ArChine Foodtech WO 46 is made from select base stocks and exhibit excellent low pour characteristics. The odorless, colorless and tasteless oil
conforms to all specifications of the Food and Drug Administration’s food additive regulations 21 CFR 178.3620(b) and 21 CFR 573.68.
ArChine Foodtech WO 46 is best suited for applications requiring technical grade white oils. It is USDA/NSF H-1 approved oil and is excellent
candidate for use in food processing plants. FDA approved as direct food additives, ArChine Foodtech WO 46 is well suited for the animal feed
processing industry.
- USDA/NSF H-1 Approved
- HALAL Approved
- Extremely low pour point
- Water white appearance
- Conforms to FDA regulations
46 |
Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt |
45.6 |
Pour Point, °F/℃ |
-35/-37 |
Flash Point, °F/℃ |
443/228 |
API Gravity |
32.2 |
Specific Gravity, 15℃ |
0.86 |
% Sulfur |
0.07 |
Acid Number, mg KOH/g |
0.15 |
Color, Saybolt |
+ 25 min |
Color, ASTM |
0.5 max |
FDA UV Test |
Pass |
*Typical data shall not be used as product specifications.